Presentation of the conference

We look forward to welcoming you in Marrakesh, on 20-22 November 2024 for the International Conference on Mobility, Artificial Intelligence and Health. This conference will explore the intersection between Mobility, Health, and Artificial Intelligence and discuss how these three critical fields can work together to improve our lives. As we know, mobility is essential for our daily lives. It enables us to move freely, access healthcare, work, and transport our goods. However, mobility challenges can limit our opportunities and create social and environmental negative impacts.  That's why the role of technology in mobility solutions is crucial. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help us to analyze data, forecast trends, and provide personalized solutions for mobility and sustainability challenges. For example, AI-powered technologies can predict traffic patterns, suggest alternative routes, or detect unsafe conditions to enhance safety for drivers. However, AI solutions need to be accessible and inclusive to ensure equitable health and mobility. In this conference, we will hear from a range of researchers and industry leaders, who will share their insights and experiences in these fields. We will also have interactive sessions where we can exchange ideas, discuss challenges and opportunities, and explore new possibilities for AI-enabled mobility and health solutions.

Organizing Institutions

The MAIH2024 is organized jointly by,

  • Cadi Ayyad University, FSTG & FSSM, Morocco
  • Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, France
  • Académie de Logistique de France, France
  • GIS-GRAISyHM, France
  • EMSI Marrakesh, Morocco
  • Ibn Zohr University, ENSA, Morocco



         Deadline for Paper submission                    September 30th, 2024             
             Notification of acceptance               October 05th, 2024 
Papers final versions               October 15th, 2024



MAIH2024 Conference Proceedings

The proceedings of MAIH2024 will be published in the ITM Web of Conferences (ISSN: 2271-2097), which will be archived in the EDP Sciences Digital Library and indexed in Clarivate's Web of Science.


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Extended Papers

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for publication in the following journals 


Journal name : Cognition, Technology & Work
ISSN: 1435-5566 (Electronic) 1435-5558 (Print)
indexed in : Web of Science, Scopus,...
Impact Factor in 2022 : 2.6

In partnership with






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