Coverage will include, but is not limited to:
Mobility | Artificial Intelligence | Health | Transactions |
Smart Logistics and sustainability
Smart Transportation and mobility
Smart Supply chain management
Smart city
Smart and sustainable Urban Logistics
Humanitarian logistics
Intelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicle Routing
Decision support systems for mobility
Intelligent vehicle highway systems Internet of things
Artificial intelligence and Big data applications in logistics systems
Artificial intelligence based control
Deep learning
Human-Artificial Intelligence interaction
Risk management of AI
Artificial intelligence and Big data applications in health care system
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Data Analysis in Healthcare
AI and Data-Driven approach to decarburization
Ethics of artificial intelligence
Smart mobility for Health
Digital and smart health
Emerging eHealth and mHealth IoT Applications
Medical robots and bio-robotics
Medical and patient monitoring
Advanced medical devices
Smart logistics in health care system
Smart vision and image processing
Cyber-physical systems
Digital twin
Heterogeneity and decision-making
Multi-network integration
Model predictive control
Network security
Transfer learning
Wearable computing
Modeling, optimization and simulation
Wirless Telecommunications